We all know this year has been a year. Life’s different. Relationships are different. The Raiders’ home football stadium is different.

Despite these differences, however, there are still plenty of reasons to be thankful. Today, I managed to come up with ten!

10. Different doesn’t mean bad. Different can be frustrating and confusing, but it can also be exciting and refreshing. Doing things differently can help us develop empathy and look past our own understanding to see things from a new perspective. Is life different? Sure, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad.

9. French fries are still amazing. So are potato chips, hash browns, and tater tots. It doesn’t matter how people feel or how many people are allowed in a restaurant–potatoes are forever.

8. The sun continues to rise. We don’t see a lot of it directly in the fall and winter, but regardless of how bright it is outside, every day is a new day and somewhere behind the clouds the sun is shining.

7. I’ve discovered how much I can live without. I used to love watching TV and going to the movies. Turns out I can entertain myself pretty well without them. I’m discovering new authors, walking the dogs more, and getting more sleep.

6. Retirement practice. The hubs had just finished several weeks of layoff when quarantine started in the spring. That left us at home together for four months — FOUR months! Now I know what it’ll be like to have him at home while I’m trying to write and edit (I don’t plan to retire until I can’t type anymore).

5. Community support. No matter how much people disagree and yell at each other, I’ve yet to see anyone refuse to help someone else who expresses a sincere and genuine need.

4. Acceptably early Christmas. I like to put my Christmas tree up the first weekend in November. I often get a lot of grief for that. Not this year. I’d like to welcome all of you early decorators over to the twinkle light side.

3. Dishscapes. If you don’t have DISH, you won’t understand, but if you have DISH, check out channel 199. You’re welcome.

2. Freedom. No matter how you feel about the things that have happened this year, those of us in the USA have the right to express those views without the fear of our government putting us in prison.

And finally … (brace yourselves because I’m about to get serious)

  1. Jesus. My faith has been tested and tried, but it has sustained and supported me through a truly unbelievable year. There have been several moments when I stopped what I was doing to pray for those who don’t know or believe in Jesus because I know his love and guidance are the only things that got me through — I honestly don’t know what I would have done without them.

Wherever you are today and whatever you’re doing, I hope you can find a reason to be thankful this holiday. If you can’t, please let me know — I’d love to pray with you and for you, that you might experience some hope and encouragement this season.