Today I’m doing something I rarely do anymore—writing an actual blog post!

I’ve really missed writing blog posts. I’m not sure how many people read them (or care), but I like them. In the past few years, however, I’ve neglected them. That changes today. Before I get into that, here’s a quick Labor Day lesson:

According to the U.S. Department of Labor website,

[Labor Day] constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.

That’s right, Labor Day weekend is a time to celebrate hard-working Americans and their contributions to the country.

For me, Labor Day 2020 has been a time to reflect and recalculate. I’m a hard worker, and I love working, but I’ve realized that I work too darn much. My passion is to write and edit novels, but I’ve become involved in so many other wonderful organizations and events that I have yet to write a book this year. (I haven’t even finished my 20,000-word novella!)

None of these organizations or events are overly time consuming or difficult, but when you’re doing 86 small things a month, it adds up. That’s why I’m purging this Labor Day—I’m rededicating my time and energy to the work I love and want to do more than anything else: write and edit novels. This “extra” free time will help me finally finish the Practically Married novella, as well as finish the other two books in the series my agent is currently pitching.

That’s my Labor Day this year.

How are you celebrating the holiday? (And give a shout out to your profession—thanks for your contributions to the well-being of our country!)

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