After 11 years away, Luke Davis returns to Lookout, Texas as the new town marshal. But during the first day of his new job, he runs into an old heartache – Rachel Hamilton. Aware that she broke Luke’s heart, and realizing she’s still in love with him, Rachel asks for forgiveness, but he cannot give it.

While Luke struggles with the memory of Rachel’s betrayal, his cousins decide the best way to help him heal his broken heart is find him a wife. With a shortage of available women in Texas, the cousins post an ad in the paper and bring a mail-order bride to town. The scheme begins to unravel when three brides arrive!

Chaos ensues when the Mayor decides Luke needs to marry one of the girls and the cousins decide the best way to pick a bride is to pit the women against each other in a contest. While the brides prepare to compete, they stay in the town boarding house – owned by Rachel Hamilton.

Can Luke and Rachel find a way to live in Lookout together with the pain of their past? Do they have a future? And what about the ‘boarding house brides’?

Vickie McDonough’s first book in The Board House Brides series is a delightful read. It captured my attention and kept me interested. I admit it – I read the last chapter of a book first – but even knowing how the story ended I found myself unable to put the book down. Her characters are colorful and intriguing, and their adventures are both heart warming and humorous. I couldn’t wait to read more about them. Anyone who enjoys western historical romances should pick up this book!


Even though I loved this book, I’m going to part ways with it and share the experience! Leave a comment on this post (include your email address!) and I’ll pick a winner on Saturday, April 24. Good luck!