What was your favorite picture book as a kid?

Blueberries for Sal. My grandmother loved the book and I have fond memories of her reading it to me.

What was the first “real” book (with chapters and without pictures) you remember reading?

I loved Charlotte’s Web. As a city girl I was intrigued by farm life and the friendship between a pig and a spider.

What was your most favorite book in high school?

A Separate Peace by John Knowles

What was your least favorite book in high school?

Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Ugh. It was way too long and complicated for my high school brain.

What was the last novel you read?

The Night Swim by Megan Goldin. It’s a good thriller.

What was the last nonfiction book you read?

Angels by Charles Capp

Which book lived up to the hype (from the past 1-2 years)?

Now I See by Janet Perez Eckles. She has lived a tumultuous life and has emerged triumphant from trials, which include going blind, having a son murdered and surviving a divorce. In spite of all her troubles, she really radiates the joy of the Lord through her writing.

Which book do you love that needs more hype?

Anything by Ann Tatlock. She’s a gifted historical writer— a painter of pictures with quirky characters.

What’s the next novel on your TBR list?

The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip by Sara Brunsvold

What’s the next nonfiction on your TBR list?

Beyond: Finding Strength and Hope Through Unexpected Storms by Cindy Saab. It’s a Bible Study with practical applications and stories.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

For your Michigan readers, all of my fiction books take place in the mitten state as I lived in Michigan for many years and love the beauty of the state. I can’t think of a more picturesque place to set my novels. My desire is to write stories that contemporary women can relate to while weaving in spiritual truths.

Tell us about your newest release/upcoming release.

I am working on the third book in the Lake Surrender series. I have tentatively titled it: Still Waters Run Blue. If you like lakes, camp life, and second chance stories, my series is for you. I’m hoping the newest book will come out in a year or so.

A novelist, reporter, speaker, and a writing and speaking coach, Carol has penned 500 articles, and four books, Changing Zip Codes, the award-winning debut novel, Lake Surrender, (inspired by her work with autistic students), The Littlest Bell Ringer and the sequel to Lake Surrender, Deep End of the Lake. She is currently finishing up the final book in the Lake Surrender Series.

An avid gardener and baker she also speaks to women’s groups such as Mothers of Preschoolers. Married to her literary muse, John, they have four children and nine grandchildren and reside in Clemmons, North Carolina. She loves to encourage new writers who are discouraged as writing is a challenging, albeit exciting vocation. Life is to be celebrated with stories that reflect God’s goodness.

Facebook: Carol Grace Stratton
X: @Carolgstratton
Instagram: Carol.Stratton.73
Website: www.carolgstratton.com