Grim Reaper Charley Davidson is back in the final installment of Darynda Jones’ New York Times bestselling paranormal series!

Charley Davidson, Grim Reaper extraordinaire, is pissed. She’s been kicked off the earthly plain for eternity – which is the appropriate amount of time to make a person starkraving mad. But someone’s looking out for her, and she’s allowed to return after a mere hundred years in exile. Is it too much to hope for that not much has changed? Apparently it is. Bummer.

She’s missed Reyes and her daughter, Beep, but now that she’s back on earth, it’s time to put to rest burning questions that need answers. What happened to her mother? How did she really die? Who killed her? And are cupcakes or coffee the best medicine? It all comes to a head in an epic showdown between good and evil in this final smart and hilarious novel.

I couldn’t wait to read this final chapter of the Charley Davidson series, but it was also heartbreaking — so many goodbyes! Like all the other books, I laughed out loud, gasped in surprise, and wiped away a few tears. I was really worried about the ending (HOW do you write a happy ending for two other-wordly gods, IF they get happy endings). I never would have guessed how the book would end, but it was oddly satisfying.

Overall, this series was quite a bit steamier than I prefer, but I just couldn’t pass up the brilliant blend of humor and drama. It’s such a rare find.

I’m sad to see the series end, but I’m sure I’ll revisit these books and characters again.

R-rated for sex and swearing. Get your copy here!