Life’s a bit of a beach these days for Ginger Walsh, who finds herself single at 41 and back home living in the family FROG (Finished Room Over Garage). She’s hoping for a more fulfilling life as a sea glass artist, but mostly she’s babysitting her sister’s kids and sharing overnights with Noah, her glassblower boyfriend with commitment issues and a dog Ginger’s cat isn’t too crazy about. Then a shark movie comes to town, and everyone is clamoring for a close-up.

This was my first book by this author, and it was a fun surprise! There were times when I wanted to smack 41-year-old Ginger (maybe because I’m the same age, and I couldn’t help but feeling at some point she just needed to settled down and be an adult because that’s what adults do), but she had some redeemable qualities too. Even though this is sort of a midlife coming-of-age story about Ginger, it really was the supporting cast that won me over — not only were the pleasantly unique, so were their relationships.

My only real complaint: I listened to the audio book and the narrator made me crazy. The sister, Geri, sounded like a man, and 8-year-old Riley made me want to stuff cotton in my ears. (The fact that I still enjoyed it despite the narration says a lot about the story.)