The only thing worse than going to the dentist is sitting in front of the computer and wanting to write, but not having any idea what to write.   Maybe you’re stuck in the middle of your novel, or maybe you have a topic for an article but you can’t think of anything to say about it.   You need inspiration.

I is for Inspiration

Getting inspired is not as easy as it sounds.  In the romantic, dramatized view of writers we need only grab a bottle of wine, find an untouched spot in nature, then wait.  The loon will inspire you. Or maybe the abundance of alcohol will weaken your inhibitions.  It might…if you like to drink wine, and if you have a lake nearby (I have three, just to brag).

In the real world, however, we don’t always have time to disappear into the woods for the weekend.  And even if we did, it won’t do anything if we equate nature with mosquito bites.  The trick is to find out what inspires your writing.

I write romantic comedies.  When I get stumped, I pick up Mary Connealy or Jenny B. Jones and re-read the funny parts.  If I don’t know how to describe a kissing scene, I go to YouTube and search for ‘romantic kisses’ (careful with this – you can get some weird stuff).  I could go sit at the beach, but that usually inspires a nap, not my next scene.

It took me a while to figure out how to inspire myself, but now I can do it. I don’t get blocked for days at a time anymore. I know how to get my creative juices flowing. Now it’s your turn!

Have you figured out a way to inspire yourself? If so, please share!

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