Wow – I had no idea mold could be so debilitiating.

I woke up Wednesday morning at 6am to my alarm. I stood up, but the room started spinning, and I ran into the dresser and wall. I stumbled my way into the kitchen where I got some water and called in to cancel my subbing job. I spent the rest of the day in bed. When I got hungry, it was easier to lay down and be hungry than to get up and fight the spinning and exhaustion to fix myself some food. It was a horrible day.

That night my doctor recommended I get out of my house for a few days to see if the problem was really mold in my house. Less than 24 hours in a new place and the fog is lifting. I’m not so tired. I can focus again. And the stories are returning to my brain!

I’ve felt like such a slouch this week. I haven’t written anything here because I didn’t have anything to say because I haven’t been writing.

Even the smallest jobs, the little po-dunk articles assigned by the newspapers, have been hard to write recently. I’m not very proud of what I’ve been turning in, so there was no way I was going to sit down and force out my novel.

I’m so glad that I didn’t.

In bed Wednesday I researched the symptoms of mold allergies. Two biggies: “brain fog” and chronic exhaustion. In the day that I’ve been in a mold-free environment, both of those have been lessening. I am SO excited!!!

You wouldn’t know this, but the last couple of pieces I posted here took me so long to write. I actually had to start writing them, then rest, then come back. I just couldn’t get my body and brain to cooperate long enough to get anything done.

Tonight I’m just writing and posting – no editing. Why? Because it only took me about 10 minutes to write this. Finally!!

I’ve been feeling so lazy and unproductive recently. I am so glad to know that there is still hope for me! Hopefully I’ll be back to normal now that I’m out of that toxic environment – I can get more done on my manuscript!!

Now I just have to find a new place to live…